Bams 2nd Prof Agad tantra (Toxicology) Notes Download Pdf

Bams 2nd Prof Agad tantra (Toxicology)Notes Download Pdf 

Are you a student pursuing BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) and searching for Bams 2nd Prof Agad tantra (Toxicology) Notes Download Pdf Syllabuswise? If yes, then you are in the right place. Here you can download Bams 2nd year Agadtantra notes. for your  ug exam preparation in PDF format. In this article, we will explore how to download them for Bams 2nd year Agadtantra notes.

Benefits of Agadtantra Handwritten Notes

Handwritten notes offer numerous advantages over typed ones. When you write information by hand, it engages multiple senses, enhancing information retention and recall. Additionally, handwritten notes allow you to personalize your annotations, highlight important points, and create visual diagrams or mind maps, for better knowledge.

Comprehensive Coverage of BAMS 2nd Year Syllabus

Agad Tantra, is one of the eight clinical branches (Ashtanga) of Ayurveda. This branch of clinical toxicity
was considered as the stalwart of Ayurveda which popularized this science across several civilizations around
the world. Many great explorers glorified the snake bite management existed in India and this paved way for
the popularization of Ayurveda in several countries with Ayurvedic scriptures being translated to several
languages and many scholars came to India to study this science. The subject encompasses the detailed study
for several toxicological conditions ranging from animate, inanimate and other disease entities with an inherent
toxic pathology that enables to apply the principles of Agad Tantra in several diseases of contemporary

Poisons disrupts the homeostasis created by the three doshas. Agad Tantra details measures to re-establish
the proper functioning of the dosha, dhatu, mala, srotas and to reinstate the vital force (Oja). To attain this, a
judicious use of Agad formulations is necessary coupled with specific treatment procedures enshrined in the
24-fold treatments (Chaturvimsati Upakrama). A proper assessment of the patient with respect to the level of
spread of poison in the body ascertained through the concept of Vega is utmost important as far as any
successful management of poisoning is concerned. A thorough knowledge of all these is essential to adopt
treatment of any poison or to extend it to any contemporary toxicological conditions like contact dermatitis,
food poisoning etc. Current curriculum has been designed to unearth the scope of this subject as a clinicl
branch which aims at empowering an undergraduate student to understand the current clinical toxicological
manifestations under the theoretical and practical/clinical framework of Agad Tantra.

The present curriculum of Agad Tantra equips an undergraduate student to grasp the clinical utility of these
concepts through an effective teaching-learning process involving cognitive, psychomotor and affective
domains. Students will be guided through effective teaching-learning methods to understand the concepts
through state-of-the-art techniques like activity based learning, problem based learning and group activities.
Effective evaluation techniques are also been incorporated to make the student community learn this subject in
its entirity and utilizes the spectrum of its theoretical, practical and clinical aspects.

Topic Covered In Bams 2nd Year Agadtantra Notes 

  1. Concepts of Agad Tantra (Clinical Toxicology)
  2. Visha Chikitsa (Management of Poisoning)
  3. Vishakta aahara pariksha and Viruddha ahara
  4. Garavisha and Dooshivisha
  5. Visha Upadrava and diseases caused due to exposure to
  6. Environmental Toxicology
  7. Dermatological manifestations of visha/poisons.
  8. Therapeutic utility of Agada yoga
  9. Sthavara visha – Poisons of Plant origin
  10. Sthavara Visha – Poisons of Metallic origin
  11. Jangama Visha
  12. Kritrima visha
  13. Substances of abuse
  14. Agad Tantra perspectives on cancer
  15. Forensic medicine (Vyavahara Ayurveda) and Medical
    jurisprudence (Vidhi vaidyaka):
  16. Vaidya sadvritta : Duties and Responsibilities of medical
  17. Legal Procedures
  18. Personal identity
  19. Thanatology
  20. Asphyxial death
  21. Injury
  22. Pregnancy, delivery and abortion
  23. Sexual offences
  24. Forensic psychiatry
  25. Forensic science laboratory
  26. Laws, Acts, Rules and Regulations
Course Profession  BAMS 2ND YEAR
WHATSAPP For Notes Query  8532059749 [ DR GAURAV CHANDRA]


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